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Optimal Heterogeneity for coding in spiking neural network

      Today I shared a PRL paper considering the Heterogeneity in integrate-and-fire neurons' threshold.

They consider a all-to-all excitatory integrate-and-fire network and varied the deviation of their thresholds. What they found is that a proper level of heterogeneity will introduce low-threshold neurons that enhance the activity and sensitivity of the all-to-all network. This kind of enhancement leads to a proper level for the efficiency of rate coding and spike-time coding. 

      Also, in their more recent efforts, they found that the heterogeneity effect in inhibitory population is different from the one in excitatory population in their previous consideration.

      As CKC have comment, this kind of proper heterogeneity level may be quite specific to the all-to-all network case. For other network topology, this might not be true. Also, the threshold is actually a time variable associated with time in the network with synapitc plasticity. 

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