Kevin's work on retina, progress and future

Time: 13:00 Thursday June 19, 2014
Place: 3F Video Conference Room in the Library

As Kevin is going to be absent for Prof. Michael Wong's visit, he will give us a presentation on his work at 1pm on this Thursday. (Maybe show off some of his experimental setups afterwards also.) This will help us understand how each other is doing and may also allow us to relay Kevin's progress to Michael. If the time works for you, please come and join the discussions at the 視訊會議室 in the library.

Update: Brief of presentation

StatPhys-Taiwan-2014: The 12th Taiwan International Symposium on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems

Time: June 28-30, 2014
Place: Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica

This is a meeting organized by the LSCP here.


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